Walker Family

Laurie's 70th birthday

Every decade is a "big" birthday, so the 70th for Laurie was as unique as anyone could guess.

All his immediate family an a group of very close friends gathered together at one of his son's house to celebrate with him an abundant life.

They were all very well organised with scheduled speeches and a full-family performance of a song adapted for the occasion.

  • Location
  • :
  • Private REsidence
  • Dates
  • :
  • 22 Feb 2015
  • Media
  • :
  • Personal Album
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Preparing-a-Salad-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Mike-Wilson-&-Margie-Vazquez- ez
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Grand-Children-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Barry-&-Christine-LeBrocq-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Friends-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Immediate-Family-Portrait-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Pleased-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Katherine-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Speech-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Awaiting-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Receiving-Guests-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Happy-to-See-You-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Christine-Walker-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Son-with-Beer-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Husband-&-Wife-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Family-Song-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Twins-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Laurie-Walker-70th-Twins-&-Brother-